Mangrove World available to download

Hi Mangrovites!

After 10 days showcasing and playtesting Mangrove World with thousands of young visitors at the Manchester Science Festival 2024, and after some improvements from feedback received, we are glad to announce the release of Mangrove World video game. 

Many children playing Mangrove World, My Favourite T-Shirt and Resourceful World by KeepItHuman during thee 10 days of the Manchester Science Festival 2024 (ca. 30.000 visitors).

Your mission is to save the island from a huge tropical storm (typhoon) coming, via collecting seedling (baby mangroves) and planting them around the island in a race against time (at some point a two minutes countdown will start).

You play as a mangrovite steward somewhere in the Philippines and once the seedlings are planted the mangrove will grow at a very fast pace to sequestrate CO2 from the atmosphere. Your target is to sequestrate 4.000.000 CO2 units (Carbon Dioxide) before you run out of time (9 mangrove trees out of 9). 

Look for seedlings all around but specially over the bridges. Also, start planting them as soon as you get them, do not collect too many and then start planting them because the sooner you plant the mangrove seedlings, the faster they become large mangroves and the higher the score and the number of Carbon Dioxide you sequestrate from the atmosphere.

Download (Windows exe): Mangrove World video game

Files 387 MB
Nov 01, 2024

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